Group of Friends
Group of Friends of the Dark and Quiet Sky for Science and Society
The Group of Friends of the Dark and Quiet Sky for Science and Society (GoF) is an initiative about the impact of satellite constellations on astronomy and the night sky launched by the UN COPUOS Delegations of Chile and Spain following the wide support to the protection of Dark and Quiet Sky given by many Delegations at the 60th session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) and the 66th session of COPUOS in 2023.
The GoF was created during a special session of the IAU Symposium 385 Astronomy and Satellite Constellations: Pathways forward in La Palma (Canary Islands) on October 6, 2023.
The GoF can be freely joined and it is open to all the Member States and Permanent Observers from COPUOS that have supported or are interested in exploring support for the initiative of Dark and Quiet Sky for Science and Society. Delegations can appoint their representatives from their government, academy or private sectors.
Participation in the Group of Friends for Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society is informal, voluntary, and open to all Member States and Permanent Observers that have supported or are interested in exploring support for the initiative of Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society.
The Group of Friends (GoF) aims to:
- Promote awareness globally, in consultation with permanent observers representing astronomy and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS), of the impact on astronomy by launched and planned satellite constellations through sharing relevant information.
- Discuss best practices, lessons learned and mitigation measures provided by appropriate stakeholders, including astronomers and astronomical organisations, satellite owners, operators and manufacturers including from private sector, and other relevant stakeholders. Topics should be limited to issues within the remit of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS; the Committee), with special considerations of the boundaries between the Committee and the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).
- Discuss the overall implications of the adoption of mitigating measures that have been implemented or are being considered.
- Support the development of best practices for mitigating measures and approaches to encourage voluntary adoption of such best practices by Member States, astronomers and astronomical organisations, and satellite owners, operators and manufacturers including from private sector.
- Promote focused discussions in the UNCOPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) within the noted scope and purpose of the “Dark and Quiet Skies” agenda item, which centers around the effects of satellites and satellite constellations on astronomy.
- Convene relevant experts to ensure that this agenda item fosters expert discussion at the STSC and includes wider collaboration.
- Encourage regular submission of information to the UNCOPUOS STSC about its views as a consultative body, inter alia, through interventions by Members States and Permanent Observers and the organization of events on the margins of the Committee and its Subcommittees. Also the GoF shall promote interaction, on this issue, between relevant experts in both COPUOS Subcommittees (STSC and the Legal Subcommittee, LSC).
- May discuss and coordinate development of conference room papers (CRP), working papers and technical presentations, as well as high level technical recommendations, among Member States and Permanent Observers, as appropriate.
The Group of Friends shall consist of two distinct groups:
- A Steering Committee (SC) consisting of up to two nominated focal points for each Member in charge of coordination with their national stakeholders. It is encouraged to identify focal points in Vienna-based Permanent Missions to COPUOS. This SC shall agree on the work plan of the group and agree on any collective outputs made on behalf of the group.
- One or more focus groups (FG) composed of a pool of experts from academia, industry or other relevant stakeholders convened by Members. These groups will work on specific tasks, workstreams or actions decided by the steering committee. FGs should be specific to UN COPUOS work.
The GoF will invite the UNCOPUOS liaison to the ITU-R to participate in these groups, in an advisory capacity, as appropriate.
Member States and Permanent Observers of COPUOS are encouraged to consider including Vienna-based delegates to COPUOS for participation in the SC or FGs. External stakeholders such as scientists, astronomers, and representatives of the academic and private sectors shall be appointed to participate in FGs at the discretion of and through Members of the GoF. The inclusion of stakeholders from the private sector in the FGs, especially satellite owners, operators, and/or manufacturers, is essential for fostering broad support for best practices as well as establishing practical and feasible mitigation measures.
The GoF shall have one Chair from a Member State and one Co-Chair from any Member of the GoF, to be appointed by consensus. The Chair and Co-Chair will serve two years. They may serve consecutive terms under exceptional circumstances, though this is not encouraged. The Chair will consult with the SC to call meetings on a regular basis, determine an agenda, set the date and time of the meetings, and will be responsible for hosting and coordination.
The IAU will serve as the Technical Secretariat through its CPS. The duties of the Technical Secretariat are limited to preparing administrative documents such as the minutes, maintaining the distribution list of Members, and preparing other secretarial functions as determined by Members.
Participation in this GoF does not imply or require any financial contribution.
Santa Cruz de la Palma, Canary Islands, October 6, 2023
Version history:
Revision 1: Vienna, Austria, June 19 2024
Members of the Group of Friends of the Dark and Quiet Sky for Science and Society. Updated February 2024.
UN COPUOS delegations interested in joining the GOF please contact:
Member States
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Rumania
- Slovakia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
Permanent Observers
- Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
- European Astronomical Society (EAS)
- European Southern Observatory (ESO)
- International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
- International Astronomical Union (IAU)
- Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)
- Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO)
A list of events and related materials for the Group of Friends’ activities
Side event at STSC 2024: "Dark and Quiet skies for science and society"
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